
Facial Surgery
When thinking about facial surgery, it is important to think of the face as different ‘aesthetic units’ that independently affect the way we look. Each ‘aesthetic unit’ changes as we grow older and can be addressed by a number of surgical and complimentary or non surgical procedures.

Aesthetic Units:
Facial rejuvenation surgery  and  also complimentary or non surgical procedures
Nose or rhinoplasty
Eyelids termed blepharoplasty
Ear corrections are known as otoplasty or pinnaplasty
Chin reshaping or repositioning called genioplasty

Facial Rejuvenation Surgery
‘Facial Rejuvenation Surgery’ involves the application of one or more appropriately chosen surgical techniques which address the effects of ageing that are unique for each individual person. Often it is important to consider rejuvenation of several parts of the face rather than just one area in order to maintain a sense of facial balance. Today, facial rejuvenation surgery is performed so that scars are well concealed and should result in a fresher, natural and more youthful appearance. It is important to think about what you do and don’t like about your face before you come to see Mr Eccles, and often patients bring photographs to show how they have aged, and also to better describe the features they liked when they were younger, or which they would like to be addressed.

Not everyone ages the same way. Men and womens’ faces age differently, and some parts of the face age more or sooner than others. In some, the forehead and brows are more of a problem, in others it may be puffy eyelid bags or excess eyelid skin, and in others the neck or jowls. Careful analysis is important in order to choose the combination of appropriate treatments that are correct for your face, and to prevent the unusual expressions that can occur following the use of inappropriate surgical techniques. It may be that a combination of surgical and non surgical treatments are appropriate, and Mr Eccles will guide you through these treatment options and help you to choose the surgery that is appropriate for you.
Nowadays, many people come to see Mr Eccles who had undergone facial rejuvenation surgery elsewhere, perhaps in need of ‘freshening up’, or because they have not achieved the results that they expected or wanted. Mr Eccles is happy to see and discuss your previous surgical and non surgical issues, and also happy to carry out revisonal and additional surgical procedures.
Below are some of the techniques that might be discussed with you:

What is a facelift?

There is no single operation that is a facelift, but there are a number of differing techniques, and some of these are listed below
Cutaneous facelift MACS Facelift
Deep plane facelift Midface lift
Subperiosteal facelift Volumetric facelift
Endoscopic facelift SOOF lift
SMAS facelift Browlift

Extended SMAS facelift Endoscopic browlift
Lateral SMASectomy facelift Necklift
Composite facelift Platysmaplasty

Mr Eccles will help to choose the appropriate technique to address your concerns and discuss the surgery, healing and results with you.

Facial rejuvenation has advanced significantly in recent years. The advances in techniques are able to address specific areas of the face, and have developed due to our greater anatomical knowledge, and in with advances in craniofacial surgery. The results should be natural and long lasting, and avoid the ‘operated’ look that is still frequently seen.
All surgical techniques have their advantages and disadvantages. Often, the more complex the surgery, the better, and longer lasting, the final outcome. However, there may be a longer time for full recovery; including the time for swelling and bruising to settle. Thus, for each individual, there will be a range of options that will need to be discussed and tailored to each person’s ‘ageing’ needs, as well as their personal, social and work circumstances.

Complimentary or non-surgical treatments which improve the fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, between the eyebrows, and of the forehead can also be very rejuvenating and should be considered either as an alternative to surgery or frequently as complimentary to it. (link – see non-surgical treatments).

What is a cutaneous (skin only) facelift?
This is often called a ‘traditional’ facelift. The skin is lifted from the underlying tissues of the face and pulled upwards and backwards towards the ears where the scars are hidden. This technique is relatively simple, and the healing time is relatively short. However, as the deeper structures of the face are not addressed, it may not last as long, and may not address all of the issues. However in some people this remains a very appropriate type of facelift.

What are SMAS facelifts?
SMAS stands for Sub-cutaneous Musculo-Aponeurotic System, which is a thin but strong layer of facial tissue beneath the skin to which the facial muscles are attached. Many of the current facelift techniques involve lifting and tightening this layer of tissue. A variety of techniques that lift this deeper layer of the face have been described. By lifting these deeper layers in the face, longer lasting and more youthful contours of the face can be achieved.

What is a midface lift?
For many people the lower eyelids are their biggest problem. A deep groove forms in some people between the cheek and the lower eyelid. Deep grooves may also form between the nose and the corner of the mouth. A midface lift tries to address this problem by lifting this mid portion of the face and restoring the youthful continuity between the lower eyelid and cheek. Such midface lifts can be performed at different levels in the face depending on the ageing process and are often very rejuvenating. These are also more complex procedures and therefore have a longer recovery time.

What is a neck lift or platysmaplasty?

The neck can be unsightly either because of too much laxity, or too much fatty deposition. To help tighten vertical folds in the neck, and restore the angle between the neck and the chin, a procedure known as an anterior platysmaplasty may be appropriate. This involves tightening and lifting the wide bands of muscle (called platysma) which may hang down below the neck and chin. Excess fatty deposits below the chin can be improved by removing them directly or by liposuction techniques. (Link – Liposuction)

What Are Fat Grafting Procedures?
As the face ages, volume maybe lost, predominantly from around the cheeks, but also the lips and eyes. This may give a ‘tired’ and ‘unwell’ appearance to the face. If you are undergoing facial rejuvenation surgery, then Mr Eccles may discuss taking fat from your abdomen( through a small incision in your umbilicus), and reinjecting this into your face at the same time as your facelift procedure. The fat that has been taken from your body id carefully processed before reinjecting. In can boost the effects of your facial rejuvenation surgery, and over 60% of the fat should remain. This is because it is an autograft (your own tissue), and it will become incorporated into your body.

How long will I need to stay in hospital?

After eyelid, rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty surgery, most people will be able to go home the same day. If you are having facial rejuvenation surgery (a facelift), you will need to stay overnight. Mr Eccles will be happy to discuss your hospital stay, depending on the type of surgery you are having and your own particular wishes.

How long does it take to recover from facial rejuvenation surgery?

Recovery times vary depending on the procedure(s) you are undergoing, and your age and general health. It is wise to allow 2 to 4 weeks to recover fully following facial rejuvenation surgery, particularly if you are thinking about work and social activities. Mr Eccles will see you during your recovery period, and will be available to guide you through this with his team.

How long does facial rejuvenation surgery last?

This very much depends on the surgery being undertaken. People age at different rates, and of course this does not stop once you have undergone facial rejuvenation surgery. Mr Eccles will discuss this with you during your consultation. In general, SMAS type facelifts last much longer than superficial or cutaneous facelifts, and deep plane or subperiosteal lifts last longer still. The more extensive the facelift however, the longer the recovery period..