
Injectable Fillers

Injectable fillers may be helpful in smoothing some of the fine lines and wrinkles that develop as we age, in augmenting the lips, or sculpting small contour deformities of the face.

Fillers come in different particle sizes, designed to treat a range of fine facial lines, deeper wrinkles or fill out larger areas. There is an ever increasing number of filler materials available and there have been a number of filler materials known to have caused significant patient complications. Indeed, Mr Eccles has helped many patients that have had complications of injected filler materials.

Injectable fillers can broadly be divided into permanent fillers (that remain for life) and resorbable ones (those that dissolve away after a period of time, usually 6-9 months).

Resorbable fillers are most often synthetically made derivatives of naturally occurring body tissues like collagen or hyaluronic acid. Some products are derived from animals and therefore some patients may have an allergic reaction to them (approximately 2%). Allergic reactions to synthetic fillers are rarer, but can occur. Most often these fillers will dissolve away over a period of months and therefore require repeat injections to maintain the effect.

Whilst permanent fillers may seem more desirable, their use must be balanced against the risk of complications of using fillers. It can be extremely difficult to remove permanent fillers and so such complications may be permanent.

The decision to use injectable fillers must be taken very seriously and the benefits and risks carefully analysed. Mr Eccles will try to advise you appropriately.